Tutorial for Beginner

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Tutorial in this blog is more devoted to their novice bloggers, who have always wanted to learn to become a professional blogger.

Blogspot Templates

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Blogging Tips

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Simple tips for bloggers to be able to improve the quality of the blog, design, content, and the number of visitors.

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Creating a Text Area

Poets | 3:19 AM | 0 comments

Text area is the area or a place to store the text or posts to form a new area. Usually this text area used to store the HTML code or other text to be copied by the visitors.

To create a text area, please copy the code below:

<p align="center"><textarea name="code" rows="6" cols="20"> Write text or code you want here, then your article will appear later in the text area </textarea></p>

For example:

Description: rows = "6", shows the height of the text area, so if you want the text area is high then please replace the number "6 had a higher number value.

Cols = "20", shows the width of the text area. If you want the width of the text area then please replace the number "20" had a higher number value.

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Poets Dj: My name is poets dj . I'm administrator of blogspot4beginner.blogspot.com.This blog dedicated for all blogger in the world .